Yes! When you sign your lease, you will receive an email and paper copy of instructions on how to set up E-Pay. You can create a secure account and use the web portal to make your monthly rent payments. There are options to either submit payments manually, or you can connect your bank account and your rent will be automatically withdrawn each month. It is important to note that because of E-Pay, there are no exceptions to the rent due date. Whether the 1st of the month falls on a weekend, holiday, or during inclimate weather, rent is still due by your due date stated in your lease.
E-Pay is our preferred method of rent payment. It ensures that payments are made on time, and saves you the trip of hand delivering it to our office. It also eliminates the risk of sending a check via mail and it not reaching the office by the due date. There is a minimal fee to set up E-Pay. However, this one time payment is worth the time, money, and risk saved by using E-Pay over any other method of payment. It’s convenience and accountability is unparalleled. Other payment methods include paying in person or via mail.